Before you commit to dancing, it’s best to take a good look in the mirror and determine if you will be successful. Many people assume that if you’re very attractive then you will make tons of money stripping. This is patently false. Ultra-hot girls often rely on their looks and neglect other aspects of the job. The top earners are generally attractive, but personality, attitude, and many other factors come into play. Physical attributes certainly play a role in determining your income. But like most any profession, hard work and mental discipline are even more important. The most successful generally have innate talent (a God given gift at birth) coupled with dedication and hard work.
You do not have to be drop dead gorgeous to earn a great living stripping. Just as you don’t find all people attractive, some people will not find you attractive. If you get asked out on a regular basis, or hit on in bars often, you’ve got the look. Even if you don’t turn heads when you walk in a room, if your look is distinctive enough, you may be able to fill a niche. Just keep in mind, the greater the percentage of people who find you attractive, the easier time you’re going to have making money. I’ve met a number of attractive girls who confided, “I wish I was beautiful like the girls working here, I really want to dance but nobody would ever give me any money.” I’m sitting there thinking, “This chick is hot, why the hell does she think she can’t make money dancing. Allow me 2 hours to teach her the trade, and she’d be making more money than most girls on the roster.” Here’s a list of common reasons many girls think “they don’t have what it takes” to dance for a living:
Scars, stretch marks, or other blemishes
While flawless skin is ideal, everyone has some skin imperfections. Most people don’t know a big secret in a club’s arsenal. Imagine the difficulties locating, training, and retaining a roster of 60 plus women with perfect skin. Most attractive women have sex. This often results in pregnancy, which causes the abdomen to swell. The skin, unable to effectively accommodate this explosive growth begins to scar, or striate, causing unsightly stretch marks. These can be covered quite effectively by body makeup, but that’s not the secret. The secret lies in the design of professional clubs. By carefully selecting the color, intensity, type, and location of lighting fixtures around the club, every dancer’s skin exudes a healthy glow, free of unsightly scars, stretch marks, and cellulite. Keep reading and we’ll show you exactly what to look for when judging a club.
Try this at home!
If you don’t believe in the magic of lighting, you can perform a simple exercise at home to get a feel for how you will look under properly installed lighting. Grab a few candles, enough to give your bedroom enough light such that you could read a book (menu), but no more. Now stand in front of a full length mirror from a distance of about 3 feet. Notice that your skin appears silky and smooth? Magic right? If you like what you see, you have the potential to make big bucks. Even if a few areas still appear unsightly, these can be smoothed over with the correct application of body makeup.
My butt is too big!
Without fail, women gauge their ideal body to be much different than men. This is a well documented phenomena, especially in western cultures. Most men prefer women with at least some fat on them. Don’t let your negative body image prevent you from the lifestyle and freedom you deserve. We will discuss in detail what men find attractive in women in the sectionAttraction Basics. For now, just know that your ‘big butt’ may well be a ticket to ‘big bucks’.
I’m too old!
Your age is a number determined by your date of birth. It really is unimportant. If you have the looks and personality, you can make good money no matter what that number happens to be. Keep in mind, older gentleman frequent strip clubs and they often prefer to spend their money on women with similar backgrounds and interests. Imagine your father trying to hold a conversation with a sweet young thang who wants to talk about Facebook and the Korn concert she couldn’t attend due to school. There are a number of things you can do to improve your physical appeal. Some are obvious like diet and exercise. Most are more subtle and must be learned by experience. We’ll cover this more later.
Are you outgoing? Do you enjoy meeting new people? Are you open to other people’s life choices? Do you have a good sense of humor? Do you have a thick skin, or do you respond poorly to criticism? While most people can fake interest in others, over time people will figure it out. The easiest way to overcome this problem is to realize that everyone is different. If you listen closely, most people have at least one part of their life that is interesting. Or at least entertaining. At the very least, unbelievably pathetic to the point of comedy. No matter what their story, if you are adept at pulling details out of people and gaining their trust, this will translate into dollars. A sure way to turn a potential customer away is for them to realize that you are only interested in getting their money as quickly and effortlessly as possible.
Attitude and Determination
These two traits are intertwined with your personality. If you are easily discouraged, can’t commit to a plan, don’t have dreams and goals and relentlessly pursue them, then this industry is not for you. No matter how attractive you are, customers and coworkers will make negative comments. You need to be able to let these slide and focus on what is important. You aren’t going to make heaps of cash every night. Taking the view that getting a bad night out of your way put’s you closer to a good night can keep you going when times are tough. Not Sure if You Have What it Takes? Email us a photo (bikini or lingerie, no nudes please). We will have our staff review it and give you an honest opinion and tips for success. [email protected]