Strip Club Clientele Myths

11 years ago

Continuing the theme on Strip Club Industry Myths, let's look at the people who visit these clubs. Strip Club Customer…

Stripper Myths that are Complete BS

11 years ago

Exotic dancers are dumb As with any cross-section of a population, you will find some people that aren't in the…

Most Strip Club Myths are BS

11 years ago

Legend has it... Most myths and stereotypes have some basis in fact.  I certainly carried my share of judgments about…

Do You Have What It Takes to Make Money Stripping?

11 years ago

Before you commit to dancing, it's best to take a good look in the mirror and determine if you will…

Stripper’s Rules for Survival

11 years ago

(and Prosperity) We listed money and financial freedom as one of the upsides to this business. It is also one…

Before You Begin a Stripping Career: Words of Warning

11 years ago

Goals Mark the Path to Success  What's your goal? (Aka why do you want to dance?) How disciplined are you?…

Benefits of the Stripper Lifestyle

11 years ago

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of making tons of cash, let's take a look at the industry:…

Stripping Basics: A New Reality

11 years ago

The paradigm has changed. Our parent's generation employed a simple formula for success. Used to be called the American Dream.…